Solution assignment 02 Estimation

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Rule of thumb
If the variable X is normally distributed with mean \mu and standard deviation sigma, in brief x\simN(\mu,\sigma), sometimes the following rule is used: there is about 68% chance that an observation x is in the interval [\mu-\sigma,\mu+\sigma] and about 95% chance that it will lie in the interval [\mu-2\sigma,\mu+2\sigma].
How would you verify this rule?

Just compute the probability:
\displaystyle{P(-\sigma\leq{x}\leq\sigma)=P(-1\leq{Z}\leq1)=2*0.3413=68.26%\approx68}%, by using the standard normal variable \displaystyle{Z=\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}} and Table 3. A similar computation leads to \displaystyle{P(-2\sigma\leq{x}\leq2\sigma)=P(-2\leq{Z}\leq2)\approx0.95}.

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