Below a number of assignments about lines, their slopes, when they are in parallel, how you can calculate the formula of a line through a given point and slope or through two given points.
1. Draw the line:
and calculate the slope and the exact intersection point of the line with the -as.
2. Draw the line:
and calculate the slope and the exact intersection point of the line with the -as.
3. Draw the line:
and calculate the slope and the exact intersection point of the line with the -as.
4. Draw the line of the following linear functions:
and calculate their intersection point.
5. Draw the lines of the following linear functions:
and calculate their intersection point.
6. The line through the point with slope intersects the line:
in point .
Calculate the coordinates of .
7. The line goes through the points and and intersects the line:
in point .
Calculate the coordinates of .
8. The line goes through the points and and intersects the line:
in the point .
Calculate the coordinates of .
9. Given the following two linear equations with two unknown variables en :
Answer the following questions.
- The equations represent lines. Calculate their slopes.
- How can you calculate the coordinates of their intersection point ?
10. The line goes through the points and . For which value of is the line:
parallel to ?